By Amanda Pasciucco, Marriage and Family Therapist
It's important to notice the little details. Many people go through life and never stop to notice the subtleties that make life so amazing. We rush from place to place, and in between, we spend our time worrying about what's next or checking our emails. Sometimes when we are in the middle of having a "bad day," taking the time to stop outside and look around really can help us calm ourselves. Simply because you are feeling down and gloomy doesn't mean that you can't take time to enjoy the beauty around you.
Within our families, it's also important to notice the little details. Does your spouse seem to be annoyed with you? Are your children having an attitude again? When people feel these strong emotions, they do not come out of nowhere. Others in your family may be giving you hints and trying to express themselves to you through body cues and small gestures. Maybe one of your kids blows up at you out of nowhere... If you think it over, chances are that this anger was building up before and you may not have noticed. People also express to you that they are not being desired or appreciated.
Your spouse may be hinting something to you, but you are too busy with your own schedule that you are not noticing their needs and desires either. Once you start noticing the details around you, it's important to notice the details that are going on with the people in your home as well. Never let these people go unnoticed and unappreciated!
Don't you love compliments? This week, go out and notice a nice deed that someone did. Once you notice it, tell them you noticed. This makes them feel valued and feel like someone sees them and understands them. Imagine how nice it would be if someone noticed all the little things that you do that go unnoticed. People would be much happier if they felt appreciated, so go out and appreciate someone by noticing the small things that they do!
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